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Is There A Professional Standard For Glass Polishing In Australia?

The Australian Standard AS 4667 covers a number of issues in relation to the visual appearance of glass. They include

  • Scratches

  • Chips

  • Stains

  • Process surface imperfections

The most important requirement is the so-called 3 Meter rule: "Imperfections shall not be visible from a distance of 3 Meters"

Glass Restore Australia guarantees the following in all our quotes: "Our work is guaranteed to exceed the requirements of AS 4667 for visual quality"

However, in recent years many clients have required their windows to be of a higher visual standard than the one mandated by AS 4667. In the UK the Guild of Glass Polishers has proposed more stringent requirements for the visual quality of their members work. Even though it is quite a wordy document (you can read it here), it nevertheless gives some valuable direction. Glass Polish Australia is currently investigating the possibility of an associate membership of the Guild.
